Title: Animal Stories of the Zodiac (Chinese and English)
In traditional Chinese culture, the zodiac animals occupy an important place. Each zodiac sign has a unique personality and characteristics, which become people’s commemoration and celebration of the year. The following will introduce these classic zodiac animal stories in both English and Chinese.
1. Rat
Chinese: The rat is the first animal in the zodiac. Legend has it that rats are known for their intelligence and resourcefulness and ability to store food, which has been endowed with symbolic meanings of abundance and abundance. In addition, it stands for resourcefulness and flexibility. In ancient times, rats were believed to ward off evil spirits and were therefore regarded as auspicious animals.
English: TheratisthefirstanimalintheChineseZodiac.Itissaidthattheratisasymbolofabundanceandprosperitybecauseofitsclevernessandabilitytostorefood.Italsorepresentswitandflexibility.Inancienttimes,peoplebelievedthatratscouldwardoffevilspirits,makingitanauspiciousanimal.
2. Ox
Chinese: Cattle are animals that represent hard work and strength. Legend has it that oxen helped people cultivate the land and were an important partner in agricultural productionTrang trại Mania. Therefore, the cow is also seen as an auspicious animal, symbolizing harvest and abundance. In Chinese culture, the image of the cow often appears in literary and artistic works.
English: Theoxrepresentsdiligenceandstrength.Accordingtolegends,theoxhelpedpeopleploughthelandandwasanimportantpartnerinagriculturalproduction. Therefore,itisalsoseenasanauspiciousanimal,symbolizingharvestandprosperity. TheimageoftheoxoftenappearsinChineseliteratureandart.
3. Tiger
Chinese: The tiger is one of the mythical beasts in Chinese culture, symbolizing courage and strength. Legend has it that the tiger can ward off evil spirits and protect people from evil forces. In addition, the tiger also represents power and majesty. In ancient China, the image of the tiger often appeared in court and military-related occasions.
English: ThetigerisoneofthedivinebeastsinChineseculture,symbolizingcourageandstrength. Itissaidthatthetigercanwardoffevilspiritsandprotectpeoplefromharm.Thetigeralsorepresentspoweranddignity.InancientChina, itsimageoftenappearedinroyalcourtsandmilitary-relatedoccasions.
(Due to space limitations, the stories of the remaining zodiac animals will continue in a subsequent article.) )